Key Dates

EventKey Date
Court approval for dispatch of the Transaction Booklet
Thursday, 6 June 2024
Date of the Transaction Booklet
Thursday, 6 June 2024
Takeover Offer Period commences
Friday, 7 June 2024
Deadline for receipt of Scheme Meeting Proxy Forms
Last time and date by which Scheme Meeting Proxy Forms (including Scheme Meeting Proxy Forms lodged online), powers of attorney or certificates of appointment of body corporate representative for the Scheme Meeting must be received by the Genex Share Registry.
Given the last date for lodgement of Scheme Meeting Proxy Forms falls on a Sunday, please ensure that any Scheme Meeting Proxy Form which you intend to lodge by post is received by close of business on Friday, 12 July 2024. Genex will accept valid Scheme Meeting Proxy Forms received by fax or lodged online before 10:00am (Sydney time) on Sunday, 14 July 2024.
10:00am (Sydney time) on Sunday, 14 July 2024
Scheme Meeting record date
Time and date for determining eligibility to vote at the Scheme Meeting.
10:00am (Sydney time) on Sunday, 14 July 2024
Scheme Meeting
The Scheme Meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting. Eligible Genex Shareholders or duly appointed proxies, attorneys or corporate representatives of eligible Genex Shareholders can attend, participate and vote at the Scheme Meeting in person at the office of Gilbert + Tobin, Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers, 200 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo NSW  2000 or through the Online Scheme Meeting Platform.
Full details of how to vote at the Scheme Meeting (including through the Online Scheme Meeting Platform) are set out in Section 2.1.
10.00am (Sydney time) on Tuesday, 16 July 2024
If the Scheme is approved by the Requisite Majorities of eligible Genex Shareholders (other than Excluded Genex Shareholders) at the Scheme Meeting
Second Court Date
Date on which Court approval of the Scheme will be sought.
9:15am (Sydney time) on Friday, 19 July 2024
Effective Date
Date on which the Court order approving the Scheme is lodged with ASIC and the Scheme becomes Effective and binding on Genex Shareholders.
Genex Shares will be suspended from trading at the close of trading on the ASX on the Effective Date. If the Scheme proceeds, this will be the last day that Genex Shares will trade on the ASX.
Monday, 22 July 2024
If the Scheme is approved by the Court at the Second Court Hearing and becomes Effective
Scheme Record Date
Time and date for determining entitlements to the Scheme Consideration.
7:00pm (Sydney time) on Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Scheme Implementation Date
Date on which all Scheme Shareholders will be paid the Scheme Consideration to which they are entitled and the Scheme Shares will be transferred to J-POWER Nominee.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
If the Scheme is not approved by the Requisite Majorities of eligible Genex Shareholders (other than Excluded Genex Shareholders) at the Scheme Meeting or the Court
Takeover Offer Period closes (unless extended or withdrawn)25
7:00pm (Sydney time) on Wednesday, 14 August 2024

All dates and times in the above timetable (other than those in respect of the Takeover Offer Period) are indicative only. The actual timetable will depend on a number of factors (including factors that may be outside the control of Genex, J-POWER and J-POWER Nominee), including the Court approval process and the satisfaction or, where applicable, waiver of the conditions precedent to the implementation of the Scheme (see Section 5.3 of the Transaction Booklet for more information).

All dates and times, unless otherwise indicated, refer to the date and time in Sydney, Australia.

Any changes to the above timetable will be announced to ASX and notified on this website.

  1. Under the Transaction Implementation Deed and the terms of the Takeover Offer: (a) the Takeover Offer must remain open for acceptance by Genex Shareholders for at least 20 Business Days after the date of the Scheme Meeting (so Genex Shareholders will have the opportunity to consider whether to accept the Takeover Offer after they have voted on the Scheme and the outcome of the vote at the Scheme Meeting is known); and (b) J-POWER Nominee must not extend the Takeover Offer period to a date that is after the latest to occur of three months after the date of the Scheme Meeting, 30 November 2024 (or such later date agreed between Genex and J-POWER) and the date to which the end of the Takeover Offer period is automatically extended under the Corporations Act without the prior written consent of Genex (except where the Takeover Offer period is automatically extended to a later date as a result of the operation of section 624(2) of the Corporations Act).

The independent committee of the Genex Board, the Genex IBC, unanimously recommends that you vote in favour of the Scheme and accept the Takeover Offer, subject to the qualifications set out in the Transaction Booklet.